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Water Services Infrastructure
India Pvt. Ltd.
Special Cranes BV, Netherlands
For over 100 years, NKM Noell Special Cranes is the global leader in design and manufacture of complex and robust lifting and handling equipment in the Metals, Nuclear, Carbon and Material Handling sectors.

Water Services Infrastructure India Pvt. Ltd. (WSIL) has been affiliated with NKM Noell for over 25 years. WSIL now represents NKM Noell in the Carbon Industry in India. WSIL also guides NKM Noell in selected projects involving port cranes in India.

Before the take-over of Noell Port Crane division by Terex Cranes, WSIL was the official representative of Noell/Terex Cranes in India. WSIL continues to work with Terex for selected projects in India.
Since 1956, Hencon is the world leader in the design and manufacture of special material handling vehicles in the metals, mining and forestry industries.

In 2008, WSIL and Hencon BV together formed: Hencon Services India Pvt. Ltd. This Indian joint venture aims to provide sales + after sales services and manufacture vehicles for the Aluminium Industry in India.
Hencon Serving Progress Hencon India
NEUERO Industrietechnik fÜr Förderanlagen GmbH,
Since 1914, Neuero has been designing special purpose material handling equipment. Today, Neuero is known as a highly reliable and high-quality manufacturer of mobile and crane conveyor systems. Neuero is the specialist for pneumatic and mechanical ship unloaders and loaders (for alumina, powders, grains, etc.).

In 2012, WSIL helped Neuero erect, install and commission a ship unloader crane in India. Since then, WSIL continues to be Neuero's representative in India.